Web sites and Resources for Cybervisions

These sites are all concerned with environmental and global issues, they contain lots of information.
www.johannesburgsummit.org - this is the official UN website for the World Summit on Sustainable Development  (WSSD)
www.wwflearning.co.uk/ourworld  - WWF's youth/educational pages devoted to the summit, containing information, reports, debates, activities and quizzes.
www.sustainable-development.gov.uk/wssd/wssd7.htm  - the UK government page for young people interested in the WSSD
www.peacechild.org  rescue2002/ - opportunities for schools and youth groups to get involved in producing a ground-breaking educational resource that brings the WSSD and all the issues to life for young people.
www.greenpeace.org  (click the 'politics' option for news on the WSSD)
www.oxfam.org.uk/coolplanet  - Oxfam's website for young people provides an execellent introduction to many of the development issues that will be central to the WSSD.

A useful paper for you to subscribe to is Positive News which has lots about environmental initiatives and successful projects.
Contact www.oneworld.org/positive_news  
email positive.news@btinternet.com  
www.worldwatch.org  contains a report on the state of the world 2001 including hopeful signs of change as well as warnings. 
www.realworld.org.uk  "the quality of life depends absolutely on the quality of our local and global environment" it uses the government's 15 headline indicators in the Sustainable Development Report, Achieving a Better Quality of Life. Publishes From Here to Sustainability (£8.95) email info@realworld.org.uk  
www.pan-uk.org  - environmental management of parks and spaces, community involvement, useful site. 
www.bpes.com  and www.solarpartners.org  produced pack for schools on solar energy Plug in the Sun. 
www.slowfood.com  - site dedicated to saving local and organic produce by putting people in touch with food supplies and building links with farmers. 
www.awelamantawe.co.uk  - Young people involved in a wind farm project near Swansea. 
www.sustainable.doe.gov/codes/sanjose  american site useful because it records the case for paper recycling. Every ton of paper produced by the recycling saves 17 trees, 7,OOOgallons of water, 4,2OOkWh electricity, reduced carbon emissions etc. 
www.communitygarden.org  - info on the community garden movement 
www.housingcorp.gov.uk  - sustainable housing as central to sustainable communities, stewardship of the environment, local issues. 
www.wessexwater.co.uk  - info on this water companies work on sustainability, its biodiversity action plan was the first in the UK. Dan Green is their sustainability co-ordinator email dan.green@wessexwater.co.uk  lots of material and info in graphic comic style form. 
 National Grid Agenda 21 Awards- contact Sarah Dennis info@cmpr.co.uk  phone 01727 850761 
www.projectplaneteye.org  -local solutions to global problems works with local councils, LETS schemes etc. etc. email feedback@projectplaneteye.org  phone 01702 602904 
James McGowan   - local Agenda 21 Coordinator for Swale Borough Council. is concerned to encourage groups to work with rather than against their local council, gave a presentation on Working with the Local Council at the Kent and the Wider World Conference on Sustainable Communities. The whole report available from Sustainable Communities Project 01732 463255 email info@commonwork.org  
WorldWrite - a charity aiming to educate young people in issues of international development. Aims at linking young people across the world in a variety of projects including internet education email worldwrite@easynet.co.uk  tel. 020 8985 5435 contact Ceri or Kirk 
www.mgg.org.uk  - This is the Maidstone Green Guide which as well as local info. contains useful sections on Agenda 2l, Community action, community Education, contacts, addresses etc. Very good, if you don't know it you should. Maidstone Green Guide c/o Kent and the Wider World, 60 Marsham St. Maidstone, Kent ME14 lEW 
www.cdf.org.uk  - publications on sustainable development including One Small Step guide to action for community groups among others, very practical and useful. Down to Earth- environmental action and sustainable development involving black and minority ethnic groups. 
www.wwf-uk.org  - masses of info and resources on environment etc.also www.wwflearning.co.uk  
www.commonground.org.uk  - art and environment projects on local distinctiveness. Very inspirational. 
Kent County Council Environmental Unit Advice and info. on environment. Published Kent Sustainability Action Plan email david.king@kent.gov.uk  tel. 01622 221568